Thursday, 17 March 2016

Technical Support

Understand the tools and techniques used for technical support
1st line support- over the phone/investigate the issue
2nd line support- analysing and exploring issue to find solution
3rd line support- fixing the issue/ group policies
Networks, servers, systems and configurations
-Maintaining the systems with an organization – for the user to use the system effectively
VNC (Virtual Network Computing)
VNC is a desktop sharing system that uses the Remote Frame Buffer protocol to take control of another computer remotely. Companies use it to check computers which may have a faults or issues that require fixing by having the user accept a prompt to let the company take control over the computers mouse and keyboard controls, as well as relaying what’s happening on the screen back to the company using a network. This allows the company to analyse the problem without needing to drive out to the place with the computer with an issue.
A multimeter is an electronic measuring instrument that merges multiple measurement functions in one unit. An average multimeter can measure voltage, current, and resistance. A multimeter can be a hand-held device useful for finding basic faults and field service work, or a bench instrument which can measure to a very high degree of accuracy.
A Toolkit
A toolkit is very self-explanatory in that it’s a kit full of multiple useful tools that can be used for repairing various issues with computers. An example of what could be in the toolkit is electrical tape for fixing broken wires while still allowing a current through.
Control Panel
The Control Panel is a part of the Microsoft Windows GUI which allows users to look through and change basic system settings and controls via applets, such as adding hardware, adding and removing different software, controlling the user accounts, and changing the accessibility options.
Task manager
Task Manager is a system monitor and start up manager that’s included with Windows. It provides limited information about many multiple things, such as computer performance, what applications are running, the processes and CPU usage, commit charge and memory information, network activity and statistics, users that are currently logged-in, and system services.

Direct question of users; recording faults and remedies e.g. fault log, solution database
IT technician will ask questions to the users regarding what problems they are having and what they have done to try and remedy the situation at hand. The questions will usually be kept simple and easy understand so that the person having the technical difficulties don’t get lost. After questioning, the IT technician will attempt to remedy the problem from the acquired information.
A fault log is used to record problems that the user has already experienced so that the technician can check the log to see what problem the user has experienced. The fault log should include the date, which equipment had the fault, a brief description of the fault, what applications were being used when the fault occurred, a note of any error messages generated, and a record of any action taken to resolve the problem so that the user can be referred back to the previous problem and how to fix it, which saves time and there will be less hassle.
A solution database is a software that has information regarding many problems that can occur, by giving user the solution that would be necessary to fix the problem by using the database. It also offers the ability to store, link and access problem symptoms and solutions. Because the Solution Database stores custom information, the same information can be used by many different types of companies in different business scenarios.
Types of faults:
Loss of service: connection failure, peripheral failure, mouse and/or keyboard stop responding, a crash
Poor performance: The general slowing down of the system, webpages taking longer to load, printer taking longer to print. The system isn't running optimally.
Virus: Viruses are named viruses because they spread by replicating themselves. They can erase data and corrupt files. PCs can be attacked by viruses, having them arrive through an email or during access to the Internet.
Error messages: An error message alerts users of a problem that has already occurred. On the contrary, a warning message alerts users of a condition that could cause a problem in the future. Error messages can show up in various ways, like using modal dialogue boxes, in-place messages or notifications.
Understand how organisational policies and procedures influence technical support
Working procedures and policies:
Organisational guidelines:
Reporting of faults: In IT support, reporting a fault as soon as it happens will give the opportunity to deal with it faster and have there be a better chance to fix it. It will also mean whatever has been affected, won't be disrupted for long. Reporting faults will also allow the team leader to prioritise their faults, so the more important ones can be addressed first. Should a fault occur, it should be reported to the next in command so they can make the necessary decisions about how to solve it.
Internet use: Company computers are only to be used for work related things like looking at research into what work needs to be done. Companies must make sure that their employees are following work guidelines and not ensuing things unrelated to the company such as YouTube, illegal sites or games. Punishment for these acts will be within company policies, this means people can lose their jobs, lose pay or have to work over time.
Security: All companies must have some sort of anti-virus that routinely checks the server and computers to make sure no harmful viruses or malware has affected them. If any are found then they must be removed to keep the security in top shape, otherwise other viruses might use the same path to get into information stored. All companies must back-up their information on not only the computer, but on the server as well so if anything were to happen then there will be a backup of the work that can be accessed and worked on like normal.
Service level agreements: This is a legal binding contract between the company and the IT technicians that states what the IT technicians must do, and what specifications they must meet while at the company and when doing their job.
Confidentiality: Confidentiality is important in IT technical support as data about the company can be easily accessed and stolen by employees if they so choose. Having a policy in place won’t stop anyone from doing this, however, it may make them reconsider what they’re doing when they consider the consequences of being caught. Confidentiality between the company and the customers is also part of said policy. The company is not allowed to give or display any of the customer’s personal information to anyone without their consent, as legal action can be taken if they do.
Sensitivity of information: This falls into the same category as confidentiality, because you cannot make personal information of the company public to anyone, or share it with any unauthorised people. Breaking this rule would be a breach in the company’s security and will almost certainly lead to you getting fired and/or you will be required to pay a fine. In IT support, leaking a company’s personal information can mean that rival companies will have an edge in the competition, and that the company's system will be at risk from hackers.

Organisational constraints:
Costs of resources required: You can’t expect all companies to have millions of pounds to buy the best equipment with, so IT support needs to find cheap but effective equipment, which still allows them to do the job efficiently. This means that it might take more time to do certain jobs because they don't have the necessary equipment, or they might not be able to do the job at all without the correct software etc.  In order for IT support to maintain efficiency they need the correct resources to do the job, but if they’re running low on something important it will delay certain jobs. For example, if they don't have enough staff, or the correct software and hardware, they will have to find alternate routes to get the job done.
Time: Things need to get done quickly this day and age to be more effective and efficient to help support the people with problems be it in or out of the company, when going into a bigger company you will find that things are categorised and deadlines are set, this gives the employees have a clear goal, but it also allows the work to be processed and re-evaluate for a better rating.
User expertise: IT Support is all about having a person able to assist you. If they are new at their job, they will take longer and will be much more likely to make mistakes. The more experienced employees will be able to do the job much quicker and much more efficiently. Some key points that are needed to fix the problem will usually need to be acquired through asking questions, which depending on the skill of the IT technician, they may know the answer without even needing to ask.
Outsourcing of support services + advantages/disadvantages: Outsourcing of support services is a good way to improve the company. The company that you get outsourced to will often time have better equipment and experience, meaning the employees will be able to do a better, faster job. However, outsourcing to other countries is often cheaper than hiring new staff, which leads to a lot of foreign people picking up the phone, but because of where they are the reception will be sub-par without the right software and hardware, this may lead to the loss of customers which will reflect badly on the company.
Companies will use inhousing to hire people into the company to do work instead of sending that work out to others in order to keep a close watch on the supplies being used. Doing this will cost extra at first but ultimately will save money on the companies supplies.
Discuss the importance of keeping fault logs
 A fault log is important because it’s used to record problems that the user has already experienced so that the technician can check the log to see what problem the user has experienced. Because the fault log should include the date, which equipment had the fault, a brief description of the fault, what applications were being used when the fault occurred, a note of any error messages generated, and a record of any action taken to resolve the problem, this allows IT technicians to have a good idea on how to fix any reoccurring problems which cuts out most of the hassle of figuring out how to fix the fault.
Fault records will be valid so long as the people who are filling it in are consistent and accurate. If the records are updated correctly and consistently it will stay valid and reliable. However an issue with this is that if the record is failed to be updated or the information it’s updated with correct it will stop being useful.
Review a recent advance in support systems technology
Virtual private network (VPN)
A VPN makes it so a private network is attached to a public one like the internet. This allows people to send and receive data as if they were using a private network despite them using a public or shared network, which gives them the benefits for using a private network such as the security, functionality and management policies.
VPN suppliers have added features and functionality to their products in recent years, these are aimed at easing management issues, strengthening the security, and adding more coverage for a wider range of communications mechanisms, devices and computer operating systems. Because of this, a wave of new and improved VPN products have been released.

Benefits: VPNs allow for a communication at a much higher level of security in comparison to other remote communications. The costs of operating a VPN within an organization are noticeably lower than other configurations. VPNs are capable for scalability within the company because of how flexible it is in that aspect, which allows for new users to be add easily with having to add new components. This also applies for business partners and gives remote employees the ability to safely check in/out.

Drawbacks: A VPN can have a complex design and security implementation. Because of this it needs someone capable of understanding at a professionally high level for the best type of VPN configuration and so they can deal with the potential security issues that can occur when using a VPN. If for some reason more infrastructures need to be created the solutions may stop being compatible, causing technical issues if a different product vendor is used than the one that was used for the current infrastructure. On the other hand, depending on your product vendor, when working with the same vendor the cost of deploying additional infrastructure can potentially increase. When mobile devices are used to connect to the VPN there can be issues with security, more so when the connection is wireless. Because of this, an extra solution might be required to beef up the security when mobile devices are being used to login to the VPN.

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